Basements are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, but it is important that they are properly waterproofed. This seminar looks at the different waterproofing options available and assists the specifier in choosing the correct system for a given construction type and location.
Read moreWith Tibby Singh and YDC Basements, Safeguard waterproofed a basement at an end of terrace home in Leeds using Drybase Tanking System.
Read moreThe Vandex BB75 was applied by trowel the next day and allowed to cure. On the third day, a 3:1 sand:cement finishing coat was applied. Vandex BB75 waterproofing slurry was also applied to the floor (following surface preparation). A screed was then poured on top.
Read moreThe level of protection required is shown on the maps that accompany BR211. Plots located in light grey areas require basic radon protection and plots located in dark grey areas require full radon protection. However it is sometimes possible to adopt a lower level of radon protection than that indicated by the map if a BR211 radon report for the…
Read moreDepending on the type of piles used, reinforced concrete or sprayed reinforced concrete will need to be applied on top of the piles to consolidate them and provide a suitable surface for the waterproofing system. The waterproofing system used could be a cavity drainage system (Oldroyd Xv 20), a crystalline active water-proofer (Drybase Crystalline Active Tanking Slurry), or preferably a…
Read moreDrybase Crystalline Active Slurry offers a solution to this problem. Because it penetrates into the concrete pile head or pile cap rather than forming a waterproof layer on top, the waterproofing material can support the loads from subsequently poured ground beams or foundation slabs. An example of a typical application is shown below, however, because piled foundations vary widely in…
Read moreAccording to BS 8102:2022, basement waterproofing system materials fall into 3 main categories (referred to as ‘Types’). Safeguard Basement Systems are combination Type A and C waterproofing systems. This means that there are multiple barriers to water ingress. In the unlikely event that one system should fail, there is always a supporting system to prevent water ingress.
Read moreDrybase Tanking Slurry has been designed to provide protection in these demanding environments. Used in conjunction with Drybase Active Crystalline Slurry, these products can be used to waterproof sewers and sewage treatment plants in new construction and refurbishment projects.
Read moreDrybase products with tunnel and pipeline waterproofing applications include: Drybase Waterproof PlugDrybase Active Crystalline SlurryDrybase Tanking SlurryDrybase Universal MortarDrybase Elasticiser
Read moreIn refurbishment situations, the waterproofing options are more limited than those available when refurbishing basements. This is primarily because working conditions are usually very confined. Cementitious materials such as Drybase Crystalline Active Tanking Slurry and Drybase Universal Mortar are therefore usually preferred over cavity drainage systems.
Read moreOur technical department are able to provide information on the most appropriate waterproofing system for a given project. On larger projects, site visits can be arranged. This website provides further information about waterproofing the following types of underground structures: Basements (Refurbishment)Basements (Newbuild)Basements Underneath Existing Dwellings (Dig-out)Tunnels / Arches (Refurbishment)Tunnels / Pipelines (Newbuild)Lift PitsContiguous / Secant Piled & Diaphragm Retaining WallsUnderground…
Read moreDampness may affect old tunnels and arches due to a waterproofing system failure or because they were not designed to be occupied.
Read moreUnderground car-parks range from a single space below a house to large municipal car-parks. However, like all underground structures, they need to be protected from water-ingress. Because concrete is the favoured construction material for underground car-parks, Drybase Crystalline Active Tanking Slurry usually offers the most cost-effective water-proofing solution, however, Drybase Tanking Slurry can also be used. On floor areas, Drybase…
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