Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are incredibly disruptive to everyday life. They hide in and around bedding and drink our blood.
Say NOPE! to bed bugs for good with our range of Bug Bombs and CP Killer Sprays.
All NOPE! products are intended for use as part of a comprehensive pest control strategy.
Customer Reviews
From 530 reviews
Slight issue with delivery but was sorted Asap product is brilliant! will definitely be back!!!
Professional helpful and very reliable.
Bed bugs cannot fly or even jump like fleas. Instead, bed bugs rely on us to get around.
Read moreInsects like ants, moths and fleas as well as bed bugs, carpet bugs and silverfish can severely damage your home and health. We have been battling invasive pests of all kinds since the dawn of humanity. Archaeologists have found pest control advice stretching as far back as the second century BC, some of which are effective even today. A successful…
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