This 1900s built terraced property in Croydon is a standard London brick construction with a rendered façade on all weather facing walls. The property was suffering from severe damp patches and salt contamination in the kitchen at the back of the property.
After the initial survey, it was found that the property was suffering from both rising damp and penetrating damp. The rising damp was caused by a lack of a damp-proof course along the external wall in the kitchen. This problem was exacerbated by an inappropriate and ineffective external render.
The render was a hard traditional sand and cement mix that was reducing the ability of moisture in the wall to evaporate, causing the rising damp to be even more severe than it might already have been.
Penetrating damp was another problem being caused by the render. During times of significant wind-driven rain, it would allow moisture to absorb into the brickwork. The drying out process was also hindered by both the render itself blocking evaporation and the additional moisture present in the wall from the rising damp.
During times of significant wind-driven rain, it would allow moisture to absorb into the brickwork. The drying out process was also hindered by both the render itself blocking evaporation and the additional moisture present in the wall from the rising damp.
The first step that was taken to rectify the problem was to remove the old concrete render and to allow the wall some time to dry out. Once the render had been removed, a damp-proof course was installed using the BBA approved Dryrod Damp-Proofing Rods. The rods diffuse a powerful water-repellent ingredient throughout the mortar course, creating a barrier to rising damp and are inserted into holes that are drilled at regular intervals along a horizontal mortar course
Following the application of a modern monocouche render, a final coating of Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream was applied. Stormdry is a colourless, breathable and BBA approved weatherproofing cream. It is simply applied in a single coat with a brush or roller and is compatible with renders, brick, stone, mortar, masonry and concrete. Once applied, the unique cream formula will soak into and bond with the surface it has been painted onto and make it waterproof for at least 25 years.
Installing damp-proof course using the BBA approved Dryrod Damp-Proofing Rods, which are 180mm fibre rods that are inserted into holes that are drilled at regular intervals along a horizontal mortar course
A modern monocouche render was applied. A single coat applied on top of a backing coat providing a breathable protective render that doesn’t require breathability reducing paint to look good
A final coating of Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream was applied to provide extra weather protection and reduce maintenance. Applied in a single coat with a brush, the unique cream formula will make it waterproof for at least 25 years
A Stormdry treated surface is still breathable, meaning that it can be applied to walls that are still drying out. No water in liquid form can enter the wall but residual moisture inside the wall can still evaporate and pass freely in the form of water vapour. Laboratory testing on brick walls has shown that a Stormdry treated wall retains 90% of its vapour permeability.
Another benefit of Stormdry application is that it helps to maintain the appearance of the treated surface. Once cured, there is no colour or texture change to the treated surface. It also resists the onset of mould and algae growth, which need a damp surface to attach to in order to grow. This will reduce the amount of maintenance effort required to keep the house looking presentable.
The combination of the Dryrod damp-proof course, a modern render system and the Stormdry treatment will keep this building warm, breathable and dry for many years to come.
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