Articles tagged #landlord advice:

A landlord works at his laptop. Superimposed over are images that represent legislation - a warning sign, a certificate paper and scales that symbolise the legal system. Advice
Damp and Mould Legislation Landlords Need to Know

Now it’s time to analyse damp and mould issues from a housing standards point of view. Anyone involved in the housing industry needs to be aware of landlord obligations, tenant rights and the legal standards that enforce and protect them. So let’s run through the legislation you run the risk of breaking by allowing damp and mould in properties you…

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Applications tagged #landlord advice:

A damp specialist installing a new damp-proof course on an exterior wall. Application
Damp Specialists and Surveys

Before damp-proofing work on a building can begin, damp surveys have to be undertaken in order to find the correct source of dampness.

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