Nominal 0.50 mm
Approx. 2.0 mm
250 M equivalent air layer
The Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane Kit is an easy-to-use way to prepare damp walls for replastering with traditional plasters or plasterboards. It is the ideal solution for high-speed damp-proof replastering jobs.
This kit comes with all the equipment you need to replaster a wall.
The 10 m² kit includes:
10 m² roll of Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane LP
150 Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane Plugs
150 Drybase Plug Seals
One roll of Drybase Double-Sided Sealing Tape
One 8 x 160mm SDS Masonry Drill Bit
The 20 m² kit includes:
20 m² roll of Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane LP
300 Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane Plugs
300 Drybase Plug Seals
One roll of Drybase Double-Sided Sealing Tape
One 8 x 160mm SDS Masonry Drill Bit
The 40m² kit includes:
Two 20 m² rolls of Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane LP
600 Drybase Plaster Membrane Mesh Plugs
600 Drybase Plug Seals
Two rolls of Drybase Double-Sided Sealing Tape
One 8 x 160mm SDS Masonry Drill Bit
Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane LP is produced using high-quality Polypropylene material and provides a barrier to moisture, salts and vapour. It is a slimline membrane with 2.5mm studs on the rear that enables the management of moisture without significantly reducing room space. A plastic mesh is welded to the front surface of the membrane, allowing it to accept plaster coats via standard trowel application or as a base for dot and dab plasterboard application.
Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane LP is affixed directly to walls using the supplied Drybase Plaster Mesh Membrane Plugs and multiple sheets are joined together using Drybase Sealing Tape, where it is ready to accept the immediate application of plaster. Common areas of application include:
Seems to be good quality stuff
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