Condensation and Mould in Buildings CPD Webinar

An example of mould growth and spray mould removal from a wall.

Condensation and the associated mould growth is the most commonly encountered damp problem for building occupants and owners. If left to develop, condensation problems can have a significant effect on building occupants. A building suffering from condensation issues is unpleasant to live in. Mould can destroy possessions and also exacerbate health problems

The seminar offers a detailed insight into the causes and effects of condensation and the wide range of modern-day treatments available. The benefits and drawbacks of each treatment method in relation to the severity of individual condensation cases are discussed. The presentation gives attendees practical knowledge to go out and solve condensation and mould problems.

Topics Include:

Why is Condensation Important?

  • It can be unsightly

  • It can cause damp and musty smells

  • It can lead to mould and health issues

  • It can lead to building fabric deterioration

  • It is a legal requirement for new-build and rental properties to be free from damp

What Causes Condensation?

Water and air exist in balance. The air all around us always contains a certain amount of moisture in the form of water vapour. Warm air can hold more water vapour than cold air. If high-humidity warm air becomes cold, then there is too much water vapour for it to hold and, as a consequence, the extra water condenses on cold surfaces.

A chef in an industrial kitchen stands over a steaming pot.

Methods of Condensation Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Using data loggers

  • Making routine changes

  • Improving ventilation

  • Insulation upgrades

  • Changing central heating schedules

  • Using anti-condensation or anti-mould paints and cleaners

Which Method is the Right One?

The best methods for dealing with a condensation problem depends on: the severity of the problem, the type of building construction, the available budget, the level of access to the property and intended purpose of the space. Find out how to tackle every sized problem in our free to book webinar.

Condensation is created on windows mainly, due to the disparity of temperatures from the inside and outside.

Webinar Length: 1 hour

Next available date: Wed 22nd January at 13:00

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