Yes! Dryzone Anti-Condensation Paint has a density value lower than water.
White paint
1 and 2.5 litre
Approv. 4m2 per litre (based on 2 coats)
It’s a common problem for many but condensation and the associated mould growth can cause all kinds of issues for property owners and building occupants, including material decay, damp or musty odours and the possible exacerbation of health issues.
Dryzone Anti-Condensation Paint has been developed to reduce condensation and mould growth on interior walls. The paint is simply applied to clean and debris-free surfaces using a standard paintbrush or roller, as per standard decorating practice.
Dryzone Anti-Condensation Paint contains glass microspheres. These small engineered glass bubbles create stable voids within the paint which means it has lower thermal conductivity and higher infra-red reflectivity compared to a standard trade emulsion. It also has a breathable open pore structure that allows water vapour to pass through.
The open-pore structure of anti-condensation paint means moisture does not easily form on the decorative surface.
The preservatives contained within the paint discourage the growth of mould.
The microsphere technology has a thermal effect that causes the painted surface to be warmer to the touch
Bought this product to combat condensation on an outer wall. The wall feels warmer and so far no sign of condensation. Pleased with the product.
The ordering, buying, delivery process was excellent, the paint was delivered two days later, the paint is thick and went on easy enough, it has a rough texture which I presume are the glass granules, so I got it and used it in March 2023 I've given five stars for the delivery and looks of the paint but I wont know if its stopped the condensation until we've had a winter so I'll update in 2024.
Great, walls already feel warmer to touch.
Very expensive
Brilliant. Does what it says. Very pleased with this product. Thank you.
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Yes! Dryzone Anti-Condensation Paint has a density value lower than water.
Can Dryzone Anti-Mould Paint Additive be added to Dryzone Anti-Condensation paint without compromising the performance of either product?
Dryzone Anti-Condensation paint contains the same amount and type of biocide as Dryzone Anti-Mould Paint Additive, so the addition of Dryzone Anti-Mould Paint Additive is not necessary
Can you paint over Dryzone Anti-Condensation paint, and if you do will it still reduce the formation of condensation?
Overcoating Dryzone Anti-Condensation paint will reduce the paint's effectiveness at stopping condensation. We recommend leaving it as the finish.
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Should a tin of Dryzone Anti-Condensation Paint weigh less than a tin of water?