No Mixing Required
BBA Approved
Faster Injection Rate than Conventional DPC Fluids
Dampcheck Plus is a hybrid, silicone-based DPC injection fluid which, when injected into masonry forms a chemical DPC. Dampcheck Plus utilizes novel silane technology, which results in a high performance, low-odour injection fluid.
Dampcheck Plus has a multi-component formulation which means that it develops initial water-repellency quickly, but also allows further diffusion to form a more evenly distributed DPC. Further advantages include:
Despite these advantages, Dampcheck Plus has now been largely superseded by Dryzone Damp-Proofing Cream which is faster to install and does not require an electric DPC pump.
As with all remedial damp-proofing systems, it will be necessary to remove and replace any salt-contaminated plaster. A 3:1 sand-cement render incorporating Renderguard Gold is usually used for this purpose. Where the use of a hard sand/cement render is not desirable, another option is to cover the wall using Oldroyd Xp Plaster Membrane. This allows a wider range of plasters to be used.
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