  • Kills entire ant colony
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • Ants love the microencapsulated blue bait

For more information call
01403 210204

NOPE! Ant Killer Granules

Unique microencapsulated bait granules contain a delayed-action bait that activates once the ants have shared it throughout the colony.

Once the bait is picked up by worker ants around the home and garden, they get to work feeding larvae, fellow ants and the queen in a process called trophallaxis. When the bait reaches the Ant Queen, the colony becomes unviable. No more ants! 

The sugary bait is specially formulated to attract ants whilst the bright blue bait makes it easy to see exactly where and how much bait has been picked up.

For more information about ants, check out how to get rid of Ants in the home and garden.

Shake to Eliminate

NOPE! Ant Killer Granules on a garden patio

Simply push down the tab and turn the dial to your preferred setting, then gently shake to release the granules.

NOPE! Ant Granules have been treated with a bittering agent that means children and pets won’t go near them.

You may notice more ants around the bait in the first few days. Don’t worry — this is normal. You want as many ants as possible to pick up the bait so they can share it with the underground colony.

The Delayed-Action Difference

Inside an ant nest that has been treated with NOPE! Ant Granules.

Ant powders that kill on contact deal with the worker ants foraging on your property, but leave the wider colony untouched. Ant nests house thousands of ants in tiny underground tunnel systems.

With NOPE! Ant Killer Bait Granules, you can eliminate the entire colony, even if you don’t know exactly where it is. Worker ants carry the bait back to the nest and share it with their fellow adults, larvae and eggs to effectively treat the infestation at its source.

For more information call
01403 210204